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LINKING COMPETITION POLICY TO ECONOMIC POLICY The Act is one of the legislative tools for achieving inclusive economic growth in South Africa. The purpose of the Act finds its application in the various functions the Act prescribes, but also in the strategic choices the Commission makes in pursuit of South Africa’s economic objectives.


The Commission has identified three strategic goals that it aims to achieve to contribute to the attainment of a growing and inclusive economy.  These are discussed below.

Strategic goal 1
Strategic goal 2
Strategic goal 3

Effective competition enforcement and merger regulation, the Commission effectively uses its mandated instruments as per the Act. This includes the regulation of mergers and acquisitions, the investigation and prosecution of instances of abuse of dominance and restrictive conduct and the unmasking and dismantling of cartels through the primary tools of investigation, prosecution, and remedies, including financial penalties.

Strategic collaboration and advocacy The Commission develops strategic partnerships with complementary stakeholders to attain inclusive growth through various instruments, including competition and industrial policy. The implementation of these policies, to achieve inclusive growth, requires strong co-ordination. This bolsters the case for collaboration with those who are also mandated to have a positive impact on job creation, small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs), market entry of historically disadvantaged persons (HDPs) and consumer welfare.

A high performance agency The Commission successfully delivers on its objectives through a cohesive, well-structured organisation in which people, processes and systems perform optimally. In the attainment of this goal, the Commission optimises its human capital, resources, systems and processes to be an effective agency. The Commission also builds strong, reliable and integrated information management systems underpinned by the best in-range IT platform where data can be securely shared, stored and managed. To become a high performing organisation, it is important that the Commission’s resources are optimally utilised across the organisational structure to deliver on its strategic objectives.


As one of the economic role players, the Commission has a responsibility to contribute solutions to South Africa’s challenges. These challenges require a strategic approach, where the Commission is both responsive to the environment and proactive in contributing solutions. Against this ideal, the Commission chose to target seven priority sectors in the reporting period for proactive intervention.

  • food and agro-processing;
  • healthcare;
  • intermediate industrial inputs;
  • construction and infrastructure;
  • banking and financial services;
  • banking and financial services;
  • information and communication technology and
  • energy.

The sectors were selected taking into account South Africa’s economic policies, the volume of complaints received in the sector and market failures which the Commission has identified through past investigations and scoping exercises. The Commission has a duty to promote competitiveness in these sectors to level the playing fields and open up the markets, with a view to promoting economic growth.