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The Competition Commission > Academic papers

Academic papers

Chief Economist James Hodge and Principal Economist Thembalethu Buthelezi

Competition policy in the digital economy: The South African perspective

Chief Economist James Hodge 

OECD Competition Committee Roundtable on Potential Competition

Deputy Commissioner Hardin Ratshisusu

Regulation and competition enforcement: the South African experience in health, banking, communication and ports markets


Mncube, Liberty

Strategic Entry Deterrence: Pioneer Foods and bread cartel, Journal of Competition Law and Economics 2013 (9)3: 637- 654

Mncube, Liberty

On Market Power and Cartel Detection: The Flour cartel, Studies in Economics and Econometrics 2013 37(3): 41- 59

Mncube, Liberty

Settling for a Discount: A review of the Pioneer Foods price reduction remedy, Agrekon 2014 53(1): 26 – 45

Grimbeek, Sunel, Steve Koch & Richard Grimbeek

The Consistency of Merger Decisions at the South African Competition Commission, South African Journal Economics 2013 81(4): 561- 580

Trudi Makhaya & Simon Roberts

Expectation and Outcomes: Considering competition and corporate power in SA under democracy, Review of African Political Economy 2013 40(138): 556 – 571

2012 – 2013

Bonakele, Tembinkosi & Liberty Mncube

Designing appropriate remedies for competition law enforcement: The Pioneer Foods Settlement Agreement Journal of Competition Law and Economics, June 2012

Roberts, Simon

Screening for cartels – insights from the South African experience. Competition Policy International: Cartel column, September, 2012.

Grimbeek, Sunel

Enhancing competitiveness through facilitating new entry. New Agenda Journal, Issue 47, third quarter, 2012

Makhaya, Trudi

Towards a Competition Culture—Advocacy and Outreach in the South African Competition Regime, CPI Antitrust Chronicle August 2012 (2).

Roberts, Simon

Administrability and business certainty in abuse of dominance enforcement: An economist’s review of the South African record World Competition, June 2012.

Book chapters

Das Nair, Reena & Mncube, Liberty

The role of information exchange in facilitating collusion: Insights from selected cases The Development of Competition Law and Economics in South Africa, HSRC press, 2012.

Mncube, Liberty, Khumalo Lindiwe, & Ngobese, Mfundo

Do vertical mergers facilitate upstream collusion? The Development of Competition Law and Economics in South Africa, HSRC press, 2012.

Moodaliyar, Kasturi & Weeks, Keith

A framework for promoting competition in electronic ommunications: Clarifying the role of the competition authorities and the sector regulator. The Development of Competition Law and Economics in South Africa, HSRC press, 2012.

2011- 2012

Makhaya, Trudi, Mkwananzi, Wendy & Roberts, Simon

How should young institutions approach enforcement? Reflections on South Africa’s experience, South African Journal of International Affairs, 2012, 19(1), 43–64.

Das Nair, Reena, Khumalo, Junior & Roberts, Simon.

Corporate conduct and competition policy in intermediate industrial products. New Agenda, First Quarter, 2012 16–21.

Ngwenya, Avias & Robb, Genna

Theory and practice in the use of merger remedies: Considering South African experience, Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 4, 203–220.

Corbett, Catherine, Das Nair, Reena & Roberts, Simon

Bargaining power and market definition: A reflection on two mergers. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 4, 147–166.

Ngepah, Nicholas

Exploring the impact of energy resources on production, inequality and poverty in simultaneous equations models for South Africa African Development Review, 23(3), 335–351

Mncube, Liberty, Ngepah, Nicholas & Roberts, Simon

Competition Law and Economics? Guest Editor’s Introduction, Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 4 ,1 -2

2009 -10

Mncube, Liberty, Bheki Dlamini & Hardin Ratshisusu

‘On merger simulation and its potential role in South African merger controls’, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 13 (1): 62-75

C. Lavoie

‘South Africa’s Corporate Leniency Policy: A Five-Year Review’, World Competition

Roberts, Simon & Z. Rustomjee

‘Industrial policy under democracy: apartheid’s grown up infant industries? Iscor and Sasol’, Transformation

Book chapter

Roberts, Simon

‘Competition policy, competitive rivalry and a developmental state in South Africa’, in O. Edigheji ed. Constructing a Democratic Development State in South Africa: Potentials and Challenges, HSRC Press, Pretoria

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