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MoU with Sector Regulators in South Africa

MOU The Competition Commission and Construction Industry Development Board 

MOU The Competition Commission and The Financial Sector Conduct Authority

MOA The Competition Commission and The Information Regulator of South Africa

MOU The Competition Commission and National Empowerment Fund

MOU between The Competition Commission and The National Agricultural Marketing Council

MOU between The Competition Commission and National Energy Regulator of South Africa

MOU between The Competition Commission and The South African Council for the Architectural Profession

MOU between The Competition Commission and The National Consumer Commission

MOU between The Competition Commission and The Council for Medical Schemes

MOU between The Competition Commission and The Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools  

MOU between The Competition Commission and  Governing Body Foundation 

MOU between The Competition Commission and  National Association of School Governing Bodies

MOU between The Competition Commission and  South African National Association for Specialised  Education

MOU between The Competition Commission and  The Auditor-General of South Africa

MOA between the Competition Commission and Media Development and Diversity Agency

MOA between-the Competition Commission and ICASA 

MOU between The Competition Commission and National Consumer Commission

MoU between the Competition Commission and ITAC

MOU between Competition Commission and National Gambling Board 

MOU between Competition Commission and BBBEE Commission

MOU between Competition Commission and Council for Medical Schemes

MOU between Competition Commission and Ports Regulator Signed Nov 2015

MOU between Competition Commission and South African Bureau of Standards

MOU between Competiton Commission and Department of Agriculture , forestry and Fisheries

MOU between Competition Commission and National Liquor Authority