In order to ensure that the parties provide a full and complete filing the Commission proposes the following requirements as constituting a complete merger filing:
- Merger Notice Form CC4(1);
- Schedule 1 & 2 to Form CC4(1);
- Statement of Merger information Form CC4(2) – Acquiring firm;
- Schedule 3-7;
- Statement of Merger information Form CC4(2) – Target firm
- Schedule 3-7;
- A report on Competition in the affected markets;
- Merger Agreement including the sale of business agreement and the draft / final shareholder’s agreement;
- Board Minutes, Reports and presentations of the Acquiring firm;
- Board Minutes, Reports and presentations of the Target firm;
- Most recent annual financial statements – Acquiring firm;
- Most recent annual financial statements – Target firm;
- Most recent business plans – Acquiring firm;
- Most recent business plans – Target firm;
- Claim for confidentiality Form CC7 – Acquiring firm;
- Claim for confidentiality Form CC7 – Target firm ;
- Most recent report provided to the Securities regulation panel – Acquiring firm;
- Most recent report provided to the Securities regulation panel – Target firm;
- Affidavit for unavailable information – Acquiring firm;
- Affidavit for unavailable information – Target firm;
- Proof of service on trade unions; and
- Proof of payment of the filing fee.